Sunday 3 January 2010

Task 5- Essay Plan

An investigation into whether the media's seemingly 'heroic' portrayal of sports people during the olympics seems to offer a more unified and utope notion of global cohesion. Or is it just constructed imagery?


I will talk about what my investigation is about and the relevance of it. Furthermore how a 'heroic' portrayal of sports people can lead to the idea of a unified and utope notion of global cohesion. I may also argue how it is constructed imagery.
Paragraph 1
This paragraph I will discuss the broadcasting platform. More specifically, film where I will compare the historical and contemporary texts. Such as how narratives are similar and how they address the idea of forming a unified society.
Paragraph 2
This paragraph may talk about the contemporary chamges made to the olympics. Such as a number of sports which have been cut such as baseball and the reasons behind. This may link to the point of the olympics trying to become more diverse.
Paragraph 3
This paragraph may focus on the global impact of the olympic games. Also how the powerful institutions may own the rights to the olympics so portray sports people in a certain way. Furthermore how political allegiances may link towards these portrayals.
Paragraph 4
In this paragraph what can be discussed is how the genre of sport has changed historically and what effect this has had on society. This could link to narrative as, the media may present it in a way to make it more appealing for viewers.
Will summarise the idea of how sports people are seen as heroes and tere effect on society. However will throw example that may be in opposition to this.

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